Step 1
Selecting a piece of wood.
You can select a nice hard wood or any wood from a fruit tree. I personally like to make them out of the stems of ladies , i just think there is something irrie about it

Step 2
Carve your piece of wood to the shape and pattern you like. I recommend carving your wood green as it is a lot easier to carve green.
Step 3
Drill out your bowl , i used a 16mm paddle bit for this one but any size will do , just don't make your bowl to big as it will get very harsh
Step 4
Once all the carving has been done the chillum now needs to be dried. I found one of the best ways is in a paper bag in the oven at 50 degrees for a few hours , the time depends on the wood selected.
Step 5
Now that the wood is properly dry its time to start treating it. I like to soak my chillums in olive oil for 2 days take it oil , let dry and rub off excess oil .Some people like to brush on the oil but i found soaking it is way easier. The olive oil is one of the main things that stops the wood burning.
Step 6
Get about a tot of vodka/whiskey and put the bowl into the vodka , take it out and lite the vodka and let it burn. repeat this process until the bowl gets a thin black layer in it. Never let the wood actually catch ablite , you are just starting to blacken it.
Step 7
Take the leftover vodka and make a 50/50 mix of honey and vodka and stick the bowl into the mixture and lite it , let it burn a bit and repeat the process 3 times. Every Time you burn you must dunk it back into the mix while still hot so it sucks the mix into the carbon
By now the bowl should be getting very sticky and black from the honey and burning.
Step 8
let the bowl soak in the mix for 30 min the wrap the bowl in tinfoil. Burn the bowl with the tinfoil on until you start getting a burn sugar smell . Take the foil off and dunk in mixture , repeat this process until the bowl is nice and burnt.
Step 9
Wipe off all excess oil/honey/soot . Take a dab of pure honey ,rub it into the bowl and place the chillum in the oven for 1h at 60 degrees.
Step 10
Wipe clean again , stack bowl and enjoy

The first few bowls will always be the worst as you have to break it in. I find the honey and burning makes and wood really hard and have yet to wear out any made of a lady even though its a soft wood
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